On-campus Recycling Guide.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

We encourage the campus community to follow the process listed below for better waste management.


Reducing what is produced and consumed is crucial to the waste hierarchy. Reducing begins with assessing what you are using, and then finding more efficient things to use instead. The less waste, the less there will be to recycle or reuse.

Tips to reduce:

  • Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store.
  • Use cloth napkins/towels rather than paper.
  • Avoid purchasing items packaged in unnecessary amounts of plastic.

For more tips and information on reducing, visit www.epa.gov/recycle/reducing-waste-what-you-can-do.


Reusing is determining which items can be repurposed and put to use as something other than intended, and is an essential step in the waste hierarchy.

Tips to reuse:

  • Rechargeable batteries can be continuously reused, as opposed to regular batteries.
  • Unwanted books can be donated to libraries.
  • Clothing can also be donated to children in need or charities.

For more tips and information on reusing, visit http://lessismore.org/materials/30-reuse-tips/.


Recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, conserves natural resources and saves energy. Hudson Valley Community College uses mixed recycling containers to collect most recyclables. These containers allow for the following materials:

  • Paper
    Paper, paperboard, magazines, envelopes, junk mail, cereal boxes and drink cartons
  • Plastic
    Bottles/containers (#1 - #7 with lids and caps), rigid plastics
  • Glass
    Bottles, jars
  • Aluminum
    Cans, clean aluminum foil, pie pans

NOTE: Do not include any of the following in mixed recycling containers: plastic bags, hazardous waster, batteries, electronics, drinking glasses, Pyrex, hard cover books, etc.

See the On-Campus Recycling Guide for additional details on mixed recycling and how to recycle other materials, including:

  • Appliances
  • Ink and toner
  • Batteries
  • Cardboard
  • Cell phones
  • Confidential paper
  • Electronics
  • Scrap metal
  • Used oil

Additional Resources

For more information and tips on recycling, visit:


Send questions or suggestions about recycling on campus to recycle@391774.com

Get in Touch

Environmental Health and Safety
LaPan Services Building

Paul Swieton
Director of Environmental Health & Safety
(518) 629-7163

Maxine Ortiz
Environmental Health & Safety Specialist
(518) 629-7787